Sunday, August 12, 2012

Once in a Blue Moon....

  How exciting! The Blue Moon will be rising this month, and the opportunity for strong magick is in the air! This is the perfect time to communicate with the Goddess on a much more direct level. I know, I know....any full moon you can, BUT, the powers and energies are much more intense during this time.

 The Blue Moon will be in Pisces, a great time to work magick involving dream works, telepathy, and anything involving creative arts. It all comes down to personal preference. 

  I personally will be working on strengthening my connection to the divine, and I am so excited to become one with Her, if only for a moment. If you have never worked a Drawing down the Moon ritual, or have and never really FELT the Goddess speak through you...this is the perfect time to try again. The energies are so intense during the Blue Moon, that if maybe you couldn't "hear" Her words or feel Her presence, this is the time to try again. 

  Sometimes we do not realize that we are hearing her because we are expecting bells and whistles, so we miss the opportunity.  

  Start now preparing your ritual, this is not something you should ever try to put together the night before. Focus true thought, consideration and intent into what you wish to achieve, so that you manifest what it is you truly intend. Never enter your ritual half cocked, especially during this time. Always remember your intent is a huge factor for what guides your magickal works.

  Take advantage of this time, and as always,

  Love and Dark Blessings to you, Children of the Ancients!

  Lady Aradia

Monday, February 27, 2012


Evidence of the coming Spring is starting to sprout up all over my yard. The grass is starting to turn into a thick dark green, and the daffodils are popping up all around our house.

This excites me, of course.

All these signs turns towards Ostara, The Spring Equinox. Time to start preparing the ground for the planting of seeds, and sowing of personal new beginnings.

I see this time as an opportunity to begin anew, to start sowing my resolutions that I committed myself to, during Yule for this coming year.
Such as:

  • Making more time to be dedicated to my spiritual and magickal growth
  • Taking better care of my health by changing my lifestyle (exercise, food choices, stress) choices.

Ostara is also the time we show honor to the Goddess Eostre, the Goddess of Ostara, also known as the Vernal Equinox. You see her in every new growth, from the birth of a ewe, to the sprouting of a new flower. She is the Goddess in Maiden form, so young and innocent but capable of creating all new life. 

Honor her by planting a garden, setting food out (in a safe area away from roads and not to close to your home) for the wild creatures to feed on, or find a way to help create and care for life.

May your coming Spring be sown with prosperity and love!

Dark Blessings to you all!