Thursday, November 3, 2011

Our New Puppy

She is a black and tan German shepherd, and her name is Hekate. Her feet smell like Frito corn chips and she has the strongest puppy breath ever smelled by mankind and beyond. I absolutely love her. She was born August 22, 2011; she came into our lives October 26, 2011. 

We knew the moment we saw her that she was meant to be a part of us, as if the Goddess herself guided us to her (I’m convinced she did).

We named her Hekate, after the Goddess Hekate, in her form of the Goddess of crossroads and transitions. The reasoning for this is because she came into our lives during a time of transition and change. I’m grateful more and more everyday for the wonderful gift of this loving, loyal, and completely innocent creature that the Goddess chose to make a part of our family. The Goddess has truly shined her light on us.

Blessings all! )O(

Friday, October 7, 2011

Stop and Hear Mother Earth

Have you ever just stopped and listened to what Mother Nature is telling you? I mean really listened? At times we forget that we can 'hear' with all our senses, not just the hearing of our ears. 

Try this:

Take a walk outside.
Do you see her message? Do you smell her words? Can you touch and know her meaning?

When I walk outside I see her message, and she says to me, "This Earth was created for all living things". When I smell her words, I hear, "I have made the aroma pleasant so that you can enjoy the beauty of Nature". When I touch the soil, she whispers softly to me, "It is up to you (humankind) whether you will have all this to love in the future. You are the caretakers, the guardians of the land. Cherish and protect Me so that future generations have a chance to know Me'".

Remember this. When you are walking outside and you see trash, pick it up and dispose of it properly. It doesn't matter how it ended up there. Be conscience of the Earth and how we effect Her.

Dark Blessings Children of the Ancients! 

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Another Murder Cloaked as Justice

Where to start?

Today I am dishearten. A man was put to death with the blessings of the state of Georgia, Of course it was the state government body and not the state's citizens that enforced this murder. His name was Troy Davis and he was murdered by lethal injection last night at 11:08 pm. Just in case you do not know his story, I have provided a link below:

I will never understand the logic of 'a life for a life', or how anyone can feel morally justified in sentencing a person to death. What gives ANYONE the right to decide whether one person lives and another one dies? How is murder ever a justice? Does it bring the victim back? No. Does it make the pain less? No.

In the case of Mr. Davis, who never wavered in his plea of innocence, makes this a harder pill to swallow. There was too much doubt. 

I believe Desmond Tutu said it best.

"To take a life when a life has been lost is revenge, not justice."
~Desmond Tutu

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

~Ode' to the Goddess~

In my time of need,
She walks with me.
When I can no longer see,
She guides me.
In my weakness,
She carries me.

She’s old as time,
Strong as stone.
She is the one who guides us,
Never are we alone.

She is the Mother.
She is the Maiden.
She is the Crone.

Blessed Be! )O(

Sunday, July 17, 2011


Chanting is a very important part of magick, it helps you center and focus on your purpose. Chants are also a way we communicate with the Divine.
There are many well known chants that you can use, this is a common practice among practitioners of the Craft. I personally create my own chants because they are personal to me and my purpose. Remember when creating your own personal chants, there is no need for them to be long and complicated.
The following chants are some basic chants and one of my personal chants. Hope this is helpful to you on your spiritual journey.
Dark Blessings! )O(


Air I am
Air I am,
Fire I am.
Water, Earth and Spirit I am.
Copyright 1982 Deirdre Pulgram Arthen

Ancient Mother
Ancient Mother, I hear you calling,
Ancient Mother, I hear your sigh.
Ancient Mother, I hear your laughter,
Ancient Mother, I taste your tears.

We All Come From the Goddess
We all come from the Goddess,
And to her we shall return.
Like a drop of rain,
Flowing to the ocean.
Copyright Zsuzsana E. Budapest.

Traditional Elemental Chant
Earth my body, water my blood,
Air my breath, and fire my spirit.

I am born of the elements.
I am born of the elements.
I am born of the elements.
I am born of the elements.

Earth my body soil and sand,
Make me strong heart and hand.
Water my blood flowing strong,
Lead me with your healing song.
Air my breath blowing true,
Let my life take flight in you.
Fire my spirit burning bright,
Lead from darkness into light.

I am born of the elements.
I am born of the elements.
I am born of the elements.
I am born of the elements.

Gaia Healing Chant
From the top of the mountains to the bottom of the seas,
We call on Gaia to heal thee.
(repeat until you feel the healing energies take hold.)
Copyright Aradia Magick.


Thursday, June 30, 2011

Ode' to the Mother Moon

Mother Moon
Keep me safe from night’s evil foes,
Lead me down the path I must go.
Share with me the secrets of the night,
Hide me from my enemies’ sight.
Aid me in my craft and keep it true,
So I can honor thee, in all I do.

~Aradia Magick~ 6/30/11

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Summer Solstice

  It is that time of year again, Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year. The power of the Sun can be felt in all you do outdoors, energy is strong! This is the perfect time to absorb energies and really get out and commune with Nature, while focusing on the Sun deity. I personally follow the Italian path of Witchcraft, my God for this time of year is Lucifer, God of the Sun and Light, brother and lover of Diana, and father of Aradia. Yes, Lucifer. No, not the Christian bible's 'Lucifer'. Too many people confuse who Lucifer is, they hear the name Lucifer and start thinking...Devil...Fallen Angel...Satan. Ok, Not once in the bible is Lucifer even mentioned in ANY of those forms. But, I will not get into that long debate.

  That being said, I hope everyone has a wonderful Summer Solstice!

Dark Blessings!


Friday, June 17, 2011

My Path

  Let me start off by saying, I don't care how 'cool' your altar looks. I don't care how down and dark you make yourself appear. Paganism is not a fashion show. It's not a rebellious stage used to piss your parents off. It is a chosen path of beliefs, a nature based form of worship. Not some social fad or teen rebellion used to 'piss off society'.

  Okay, now that I have that out of the way, I will discuss what it means to me.

  I was raised in a Southern Baptist home by my single mother. I didn't have the typical christian upbringing though, thankfully. My mother is what I would define as a 'true christian', in the sense that she loves me and does not judge. When I turned twelve (eons ago, lol) my mother allowed me to make my own religious choices. If I did not want to attend church, I didn't have too. If I wanted to try other denominations, that was fine as well.

  So I went in search of religion, or lack of, I wasn't sure yet what or if I believed. I went to the Mormon's, Jehovah's and what not for a while. When I turned fourteen a friend gave me the Satanic Bible, and I read it. In all honesty I didn't find it to be my calling, it just felt like reversed Christianity to me and I had came to realize by this time I was not a Christian, so Anton LeVay's Satanism wasn't my thing either.

  Satanism did however show me there are other paths besides Christianity and Satanism. There was Paganism, many individual paths of it. I tried Wicca, and don't get me wrong I respect them, but I felt 'unbalanced' and not level. Everything, in my opinion, was too much 'light' and 'love'. I know, How can I find too much 'light' and 'love' unbalanced? Well this is where individualism comes into play. I personally felt, "How can I define light and love without dark and sadness?"

  So, I left Wicca and now follow my own beliefs. I integrate both dark and light into my pantheon and it works for me.

  Now, back to the orignal thought, what is Paganism to me.

  It is the air I breath, the water I drink, the bed I lay my head on, and the fire that lights my way. Paganism brings me closer to the Gods/Goddesses through practice, ritual, nature and the cosmos. It is existence.

Darkest Blessings )O(,



Why I Decided to Blog....

  I started this blog as a way to express my thoughts, beliefs, reality, and view of MY personal world. I understand that my beliefs and way of thoughts are not the same as all people, but I'm sure there are a few out there.

  I am a Pagan, mother, lesbian, life partner, and warrior for equality. I believe everyone has the right to equality, happiness, and a life that they want. I can be radical, if that is the appropriate term to use, I suppose anyone who are not sheeple and don't follow strictly to society's 'norm' can be deemed radical.

  So basically, my subjects will be based on these factors.

Dark Blessings to you all )O(,
